Wednesday, July 18, 2018

11th NY International - Brilliancy Prizes

In June, the club hosted the 11th New York International. (For a complete recap of the event, visit our newsletter!) Three Brilliancy Prizes were chosen from games submitted by players in the Championship Section. Each submission was blindly analyzed by GM Giorgi Kacheishvili, who then selected the winners.

Rather than award a First Prize, Second Prize, etc., the club implemented a new, unique prize structure last year. One prize was awarded for Accuracy (the most technically accurate game played), one prize was awarded for Creativity (the most creative game played), and the final prize was awarded for Perseverance (the game demonstrating the most fighting spirit).

You can find the winning games below. Giorgi's citations for each award are also quoted under each winner. IM Alex Ostrovskiy has graciously annotated the games for your enjoyment!

Accuracy Prize
GM Robert Hess for his Round 9 win against GM Paragua.

"The cleanest game submitted!"

Creativity Prize
FM Levy Rozman, for his Round 1 win against Rey Magallanes.

"... a very creative game where White took a lot of risk from the opening."

Perseverance Prize
IM Kassa Korley for his Round 7 win with black against FM Rawle Allicock.
A game "where Black played inventive, determined chess and showed a will to victory."